So cool. That song keeps running through my head these days. Loving it. Been clearing a lot lately. It sure has been helping me in more ways than one. Took most of today to clear out our spare bedroom where a lot of clutter had built up. It's so fun to be able to walk in the hallway and also that room without running into things! Gonna take a break tomorrow (Sunday = rest day for me) and get back at it Monday. I am loving that clearing my clutter is also clearing my mind of negative thoughts too. Guessing more quiet time and this book are also helping a bit. Before I go for tonight, I want to share a story with you...
I was taking a bath earlier and looked up to see Emery's swimming trunks dripping. They are hanging to dry from the pool. My first response at the water falling at me was fear. I cringed and closed my eyes. Then, I thought of Kelly Rae's class and facing fears. So, I purposely watched that water drop fall. And, guess what? It did NOT fall on my face. And, you know what else? It was not just one was a triple drop...a large one that on the way down broke into three. It was so beautiful. It was art. Sounds kinda corny, but I thought it was pretty cool and a very good illustration of how when you face fear, most of the time you end up seeing things that are so beautiful that you never would have even imagined seeing if you had not. So cool. Thanks again Kelly Rae.
Hi, Shanie. I love that song too. It is so inspiring.
I love your story about the water droplet. It is helpful to remember that there is beauty in everything, even fear.
And how great it feels to clear the clutter, huh? I need to get motivated in that direction myself.
Have you joined the twitter or facebook groups yet? Lots of fun and chatter going on.
No Melissa, I have not joined the groups yet. I need to do that! XO
I love this song! And you're right there is beauty in everything. It's important to hold space to experience the beauty of everyday moments - magical moments. Stephey!
Hi Shanie! I love that song too! and guess who can't stop humming it now?..eheh.
Thanks for stopping by my blog..
I like what you did with yours..Did you create the banner? Love it!
lovely lovely blog and a nice style to your artwork. From a fellow flyer, Robin
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