Monday, October 6, 2008

Bugs, play-school, Play-Doh, uniforms, and pumpkin head

Anyone have ANY idea what kind of bug this is? I have only seen it here and I have no idea! They are friendly, but what in the heck are they?!?! Em loves to "play" school at home now and drew me this on the board to "teach" me. Hee hee. He even made me sit on the floor in front of him. Wishing I had someone to take the photo for that one!

Daddy sent this cool uni like his for Em. He loves it!!

SO, we of course just HAD to get the pumpkin for Halloween! FUN FUN. You know, you can only get away with it when your 4, so why not?!

Playing with this and having too much fun. He kept saying, "I'm a cookin' boy!" I love his words!
Will share another fun one from today another day. Loves for now...

1 comment:

Joe said...

Great pictures of Emery Baby!!!!! Thanks for the new ones.

