Oh yeah! Absolutely LOVING this new routine system. WOW. What a difference! My head is not full of junk so I can concentrate on the important stuff. Blowing bubbles in the house instead of outside? Sure! Stop cleaning to play a video game with a 4 year old? Sure! I am loving being more in the moment (something I was lacking in big time lately). My mind had gotten so wrapped up in all the to do's that I see everyday that I really felt I was missing out. After a lot of prayers about focus, balance, and peace; this is the general idea of what I did:
RE-group-prayers and decisions, decisions, decisions...including taking some stuff off my plate.
RE-assess-lots of thougths on what else needs to be changed and how to do it.
RE-structure-setting up a new everyday/weekly routine in a broad sense.
RE-organize-really getting down to the details of the new routine.
So, there ya have it. One happier and less stressed girl. Here's to changes and new routines! :)
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