Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heavy on my heart

Haiti. Wow. I ordinarily stay away from the news which is why I did not know about this until day 2 due to checking one of my favorite blogs. This time I cannot stay away from the news. Normally, I cannot handle all of the bad news out there. It hurts my heart. This does too, but it so needs to be out there as much as possible because even before a major earthquake hit Haiti, they needed our help. I am sorry that I did not know about Haiti prior to the earthquakes. Yep. I said earthquakeS. They continue to happen. The one good thing that has come out of these earthquakes is that now we are all aware. Aware of their suffering and their deep need. It's only been 8 days and already the news on the major networks is starting to dwindle. 8 days my friends. We need to keep this help and information going way longer than 8 days. So, if you want to help in any way, go here for legitimate agencies. Also, the lovely Miss Rebecca Sower has a beautiful thing going right now. Go here for her blog. Go here to help directly. I am forever grateful to her for opening my eyes. Thank you Rebecca. You have blessed me and continue to impact our world everyday with your kind heart.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yes. Because, "I want to know God."

This is what Emery said tonight after asking me who God was and me asking him if he would like to read the bible before bed to learn more about him. Wow. The words that melt your heart. I tell you, the joy that filled me when I heard those words was so unbelievable and very overwhelming in a good way. All I could do was look up and say thank you. To hear those words and to have him say them on his own is so unexplainable and leaves me with such peace.

You see, for those of you who do not know...Emery is five years old. Yes, we go to church most of the time and yes, we try our best to do the right thing, but we are not perfect by all means. We teach him things like God is who made him super smart and the cutest boy we know, but I have not always been the best at reading his bible to him or talking much more past that about him to him. Now he wants more and I am so glad he does.

Peace to all of you out there.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

One very happy boy...

And, some new Sponge Bob glasses! Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?! hee can see all my boxes in the background. Funny. Hopefully we will get the kitchen floor in this week so they can put in those cabinets already. What's happening in your world?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Right now, I am...

Still recovering from 1 crazy move

Dealing with 2 scary diagnoses for my son

Getting through 1 long deployment

Looking forward to 1 new kitchen and also 2 new french doors

Cleaning like a maniac everyday

Not enjoying 2 mortgages and mounting debt

Really happy that 1 house is under contract now

All while taking care of 4 dogs, 1 cat, and a 5 year old

No wonder my word of the year is STABILITY!

What are you up to and what is your one word?