Thursday, April 30, 2009

Destination Inspiration

So, my very sweet hubby suggested today that we go to one of my favorite clothing stores and a local small town coffee shop today to wait out the time we still had before picking up our son at school. We had gone to a meeting at school after dropping him off and there was not much time left, but enough to play. At the coffee shop, the owner had this coffee print on a wall that was so cool. Wishing now, I had taken a photo to share with you. I loved it so much; I sketched it in my planner for future inspiration. Normally, I do this and all of these nifty things get filed away and never used. One thing I am starting to do, starting today, is to go with the flow more. Let myself create whatever feels right at the moment, not necessarily what I have going on already or anything else that may be “in line or in order” at the moment. I have never been good at this. Being a perfectionist, I have always thought I needed to “do or organize this first” or “do or organize that first”. I am learning to move on and not worry so much about the creative piles that accumulate. Or the dust piles for that matter...ha ha! I have started my cool coffee art thingy and when I get a background for it & finish, I will post. But, the only thing is you will have to wait to see my other page I was working on until that fancy strikes me, too…k? Along with the other 4 piles over there. (Head pointing to my studio table) But, for now…some really cool finds I found while trying to find photos of coffee for sketching. So funny how you can get lost (in a good way) online, eh? What a fun idea...creating art with coffee & also creating journals out of old books. So cool. Thought you might enjoy. I especially love the Golden Book Journals. What can you find to inspire you today?

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