Thursday, April 30, 2009

Destination Inspiration

So, my very sweet hubby suggested today that we go to one of my favorite clothing stores and a local small town coffee shop today to wait out the time we still had before picking up our son at school. We had gone to a meeting at school after dropping him off and there was not much time left, but enough to play. At the coffee shop, the owner had this coffee print on a wall that was so cool. Wishing now, I had taken a photo to share with you. I loved it so much; I sketched it in my planner for future inspiration. Normally, I do this and all of these nifty things get filed away and never used. One thing I am starting to do, starting today, is to go with the flow more. Let myself create whatever feels right at the moment, not necessarily what I have going on already or anything else that may be “in line or in order” at the moment. I have never been good at this. Being a perfectionist, I have always thought I needed to “do or organize this first” or “do or organize that first”. I am learning to move on and not worry so much about the creative piles that accumulate. Or the dust piles for that matter...ha ha! I have started my cool coffee art thingy and when I get a background for it & finish, I will post. But, the only thing is you will have to wait to see my other page I was working on until that fancy strikes me, too…k? Along with the other 4 piles over there. (Head pointing to my studio table) But, for now…some really cool finds I found while trying to find photos of coffee for sketching. So funny how you can get lost (in a good way) online, eh? What a fun idea...creating art with coffee & also creating journals out of old books. So cool. Thought you might enjoy. I especially love the Golden Book Journals. What can you find to inspire you today?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

At least he's in good spirits! ;)

As of right now, we are to just watch Emery for any new changes & get used to the glasses. He is not in any immediate danger & the MRI was normal. We see the neurologist again on the 6th & the optomologist (unless we get referred out to a neuro-optimologist) on the 20th. As of today, he went back to school. Still seeing double but his eye is turning less. Thank you all for your kind thoughts & prayers. Check him out in his cute glasses!

Also, before all of this started...I was really glad to be here...


And, I read this book...very powerful! Will post more soon about all of that. Loves...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Please keep my son Emery in your prayers...

This week has been one big rollercoaster ride...a bad one with A LOT of ups & downs. It all started Monday night around 5pm when I noticed his left eye was turning inward and then he told me he saw two of me. Scared me. Checked with a nurse friend to make sure I was not panicking by taking him to emergency. Wanted to make sure it was not a brain thing before he slept. We got to the hospital around 6:30pm and made it home around 2:30am. He got a CT scan while there which turned up normal so the doc told us to see a neurologist and an optimologist the next day. Said he was not in any immediate danger and could sleep fine.

We saw a WONDERFUL pediatric neurologist on Tuesday and the pediatric optimologist on Wednesday. The neurologist pushed for a MRI while the optimologist said it’s just farsightedness. We also ordered glasses on Wednesday. The MRI was on Thursday and showed up normal as well. So, Friday we were back to “just needing glasses.”

Today, however, his right eye started doing the same thing so now he is basically cross-eyed and is still seeing double. Other than that, he is fine and quite happy. I spoke with the neurologist today about the second eye because I am to keep her informed of any changes and now she will be asking some other docs to try to figure out what is going on. We may be looking at more tests and possibly some kind of eye disease that comes from the central nervous system. We may also be seeing a pediatric neuro-optimologist. It is all just so scary. I want him to be able to see right. Poor little guy.

So, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We really would like some resolve on this whole thing. I also want to thank our pastor, Brother Joe for being right there with Emery and I through it while Daddy had to be away. Daddy is back now so that helps a lot.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Um yeah...

I have been nowhere near where I want to be with my blog, but is all a work in progress, yeah? Been trying to catch up, take more time to get healthy, and lots and lots of play and relaxing. (I have not always been really good at that-we women tend to take real good care of others, don't we?), loving, and more creating. Lovin' that. I even got my projects out of my drawer! More later. Right now, I am off to give my dog Scooter (not the one in the photo-that one is Maya) a much needed haircut & bath. Loves for now...